BSR launches campaign for residents of high-rise buildi...
The BSR is asking all those living in tall buildings to be aware of how new Building Safety laws affect them.
William Martin and the SRC family sold to Inflexion
On 22 February, Marlowe plc reached agreement to sell our brands to Inflexion, a leading investment firm.
Kettering General Hospital fined £480k
Hospital trust fined almost £500,000 after man suffers brain injury in manhole collapse.
Leicestershire Company Fined £900,000 for Fatality
A Leicestershire company has been fined £900,000 after a father-of-two was crushed to death.
HSE Asbestos Services Surveys
The HSE has launched three surveys that will help to inform its approach to asbestos management.
HSE Campaign to Inform on Managing Asbestos
The HSE has launched a new campaign to emphasise the legal duties for managing asbestos.
Guidance for the Fire and Rescue Service
Independent fire consultants have been appointed by the National Fire Chiefs Council.
Overhauling fire safety: Proposed reforms for furniture...
The UK government is considering significant changes to fire safety regulations, targeting both furniture stan...
Fatal injuries arising from accidents at work in Great ...
The statistics cover work-related fatal injuries that are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases...