Vulnerable Residents Put At Risk Of Contracting Legionn...
A company has been fined following an outbreak of legionella at its sheltered housing accommodation.
How Climate Change and Legionella are Intrinsically Lin...
Discover the link between climate change and legionella.
Briefing Note – Legionella Risk Assessments
Understand your responsibilities with regards to managing the Legionella risk in buildings.
A Modern Approach to Legionella
When it comes to mitigating the risks associated with legionella, technology plays a crucial role.
Fatal injuries arising from accidents at work in Great ...
The statistics cover work-related fatal injuries that are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases...
Legionella Risk Assessments: Understanding the Human Im...
egionella is a similar problem to asbestos, in that businesses don’t often take it as seriously as they shou...