Landlord fined for fire safety breaches
A landlord has been fined £3,924 for breaching the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

£125,000 fine for fire safety breaches across four pre...
Two care home directors have been fined nearly £125,000 for multiple fire safety offences.

Property firm fined over Ipswich flats
£100,000 fine for “flagrant” breaches of fire safety regulations at a block of town centre flats.

BSR meets CLC after receiving ‘unsuitable’ Building...
The BSR has met with the Construction Leadership Council to discuss industry concerns.

How to Build and Maintain a Positive Safety Culture
Building and maintaining a positive safety culture in the workplace is crucial.

Building Safety Remediation: monthly data release ̵...
This data release reports on building safety remediation, current at 30 June 2024.

Housing company fined after worker killed by concrete b...
A housing company has been fined after a driver was crushed to death by falling concrete blocks.

Young people warned of dangers of modern slavery abroad
Young Britons Warned of Dangers of Modern Slavery Abroad

Kings Speech
King Charles outlined the new Labour government’s legislative plans in a speech to Parliament.