Spreadsheets vs Software
At William Martin, we bring unparalleled health & safety expertise and powerful technology to the table. Whate...

What’s Your Compliance Risk Rating?
If you answer this short set of questions, you'll be given a Compliance Risk Rating - the higher the percentag...

Looking for a compliance platform? 10 things to conside...
Selecting the appropriate Health & Safety Compliance Platform to effectively manage multiple properties can pr...

Horrific injuries seen at aircraft seat manufacturer
A leading manufacturer of aircraft seats has been fined £660,000 after one of its employees suffered horrific...

Companies admit health and safety failings over retail ...
Two companies have appeared in court for a plea and sentence hearing over the blaze at a large retail store in...

Disabled People In Employment
Published by the House of Commons, this briefing describes the Office of National Statistic's (ONS) employment...

Serious failings found at hand car wash firms across So...
Serious health and safety breaches were found by inspectors at 20 hand car wash businesses in West Sussex and ...

Martyn’s Law
‘The Protect Duty’, also known as Martyn’s Law, is draft legislation which has been championed by Figen ...