Thank You

Thank you for submitting your risk rating.   It the information below, you will find information on next steps on how to reduce the level of compliance risk within your business.

Your Risk Rating

0% – 60% – Critical Risk of Non-Compliance 

Your compliance level is within a critical range and is posing severe and present risk to your organisation. Immediate action is essential to address the numerous identified gaps. 

Thoroughly review the areas where your answers reflected significant shortcomings and take necessary steps to improve compliance. Seeking hands-on support and implementing compliance software will be crucial in elevating your compliance measures and providing the structure you need. It is paramount to act swiftly and decisively to prevent potential compliance breaches that could have severe consequences. Your organisation’s future depends on taking proactive measures to address these critical risks and ensure a safer and more compliant operating environment.
Get in touch for specific advice on how to reduce your level of risk.

60% – 80% – High Risk of Non-Compliance

Your compliance level falls within a range that indicates a high risk of non-compliance. It’s crucial to address the identified gaps immediately as your organisation is currently at high risk. 

Take the time to thoroughly review the areas where your answers indicated shortcomings and consider necessary improvements. You may benefit from seeking hands-on support or implementing structured software to bolster your compliance measures. Act proactively now to reduce the risk and bring your organisation to a more secure level of compliance.
Get in touch for specific advice on how to reduce your level of risk.

80% – 90% – Medium Risk of Non-Compliance

Congratulations on maintaining a good level of compliance! Our assessment has identified some gaps which are currently leaving you at a significant risk of non-compliance.

It’s essential to address these areas by reviewing and improving your processes. Consider whether more hands-on support or the implementation of structured software would be beneficial. Now is the time to proactively make the necessary changes to prevent potential issues.
Get in touch for specific advice on how to reduce your level of risk.

90% – 100% – Low Risk of Non-Compliance

Congratulations on maintaining a commendably high level of compliance within your organisation!

To further enhance your compliance standards, it’s essential to review areas where minor gaps were identified and explore potential improvements. Consider whether additional hands-on support, allocating more time and resources, or implementing software/process changes could bolster your compliance efforts. By continuously striving for improvement, you can solidify your position as a leader in organisational compliance and ensure a safe and compliant working environment.


To discuss your compliance in more depth and discuss how to reduce your level of risk and streamline processes, please contact our in-house expert Aidan Walker-Rowlands.


At William Martin, we bring unparalleled health & safety expertise and powerful technology to the table. Whatever your sector and wherever you are, we give you the support you need to keep compliant, strong, and successful.

For all other enquiries, please contact us or call our team on 0203 819 8829.

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