Health and safety campaign launched to help reduce workplace transport deaths

October 2, 2023

Health and safety campaign launched to help reduce workplace transport deaths

From our colleagues at Barbour EHS.

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) has launched a safety awareness campaign called ‘Drive Danger Out’ to promote its ongoing inspection programme aimed at reducing the number of people killed or injured as a result of incidents involving workplace transport.

The awareness campaign will include television and radio advertising, outdoor advertising across Northern Ireland, and social media messaging.

The campaign was launched with a mobile billboard visiting every council area in Northern Ireland, to promote awareness of the risks associated with workplace transport, and urging extra care and attention, whether in a factory, construction site, quarry, farm or any workplace.

In the ten years to 2022 incidents involving workplace vehicles across almost all work settings claimed the lives of 34 workers and left 162 others with serious injuries.

The campaign has been supported and endorsed by the Department for the Economy, and a range of industry representative bodies, including Construction Employers Federation (CEF), the Confederation of British Industry Northern Ireland (CBINI), Manufacturing NI, the Northern Ireland Committee of The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (NIC-ICTU), Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum NI (WISHNI), Ulster Farmers Union (UFU), Mineral Products Association Northern Ireland (MPANI), Utility Regulator and the NI Safety Group.

HSENI Chief Executive Robert Kidd said: “Workplace transport safety continues to be our priority for this year and employers should expect it to be an important element of our inspections.”

Incidents resulting in death or injury include, workers being struck by a vehicle, vehicles overturning, falling from or being thrown from a vehicle, and injuries resulting from items falling from unsecured loads. The vehicles involved include forklift trucks, dumper trucks, telehandlers, quad bikes, tractors, lorries, vans and cars etc.

Robert Kidd continued: “Our ‘Drive Danger Out’ campaign is aimed to help employers prevent deaths and serious injuries involving vehicles in their workplace and to reduce the tragic figures we have seen over the last ten years.”

Many of the incidents have been caused by poor segregation of vehicles and pedestrians, inadequate driver training, poor visibility from a vehicle, lack of vehicle maintenance, working on unsafe slopes and surfaces, and poor lighting. There are often simple checks and safety precautions which can be put in place, which reduce risk and can help avoid unnecessary accidents.

Permanent Secretary of the Department for the Economy, Mike Brennan welcoming the campaign said:

“Industry is vital to the success of our economy. I very much welcome the ‘Drive Danger Out’ awareness campaign and the ongoing inspection programme. Together they offer an important opportunity for our industries to play their part in making the workplace safer. This will assist our Northern Ireland based companies compete on a world stage with an enviable health and safety record to help attract inward investment.

“By ensuring employers provide a safe working environment, and employees have the correct training, working together we can prevent injuries and save lives.”

September 2023

Our Comment

Preventing workplace traffic fatalities is a critical concern for employers and employees alike.
By implementing control measures and fostering a safety-conscious culture, employers can significantly reduce the risk of workplace traffic fatalities and create a safer working environment for all employees. Regular training, communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential components of a successful workplace traffic safety program.


At William Martin, we bring unparalleled health & safety expertise and powerful technology to the table. Whatever your sector and wherever you are, we give you the support you need to keep compliant, strong, and successful.

This content has been produced in association with our sister company, Barbour.

For all enquiries, please contact us or call our team on 0203 819 8829.

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