

Compliance built for all. We work with you to make any reasonable adjustments to policies and procedures for those with a disability. Our accessibility audits mean you remain compliant, strong and successful.

We like to make your compliance as easy as possible, so you’ve got the energy to focus on the other stuff. Our access audit reports provide you with an action plan of accessibility adjustments, alternative ways to provide services and a look at the logistics of implementing any adjustments.

Just like everything we do, our reports are pragmatic, logical, and contain reasonable compliance advice.

Speak to a consultant

Accessibility Compliance Consultancy William Martin

How Our Accessibility Audits Work

Our mission is for uncompromised and uncomplicated compliance. We work with you to carry out efficient and stress-free accessibility audits. The process starts with an initial briefing, followed by:

  • Data gathering

  • A detailed site survey

  • Consultation with building users

  • Debriefing with a summary of main actions

  • Preparation of a written report to record and communicate the outcome of the audit.


Health & Safety


Fire Safety










Contractor Management

