legionella briefing note July 11, 2024

Briefing Note – Legionella Risk Assessments

Understand your responsibilities with regards to managing the Legionella risk in buildings. Mandatory Occurrence Reporting and Resident Engagement April 24, 2024

Briefing Note – Mandatory Occurrence Reporting and Resident Engagement

Requirements to now report incidents or risks of structural failure, or the spread of fire to the BSR. BSR High Rise Campaign April 8, 2024

Briefing Note – Building Assessment Certificates

Produced to summarise the latest guidance produced by the Building Safety Regulator. Connect-spring-newsletter March 13, 2024

Connect Spring Edition

In our spring edition we cover Culture & Impact, Supply Chain Management Software and more. connect-autumn-edition September 28, 2023

Connect Autumn Edition

It can be tricky to stay in the loop with all the hot topics in compliance, let alone keeping up… William Martin August 16, 2023

Briefing Note – Fire Safety Responsibilities under Section 156 of the Building Safety Act 2022

Our latest briefing note, “Fire safety responsibilities under Section 156 of the Building Safety Act 2022”, shares critical information regarding…